Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hilarion says . . .

All of the days to come are for loving the totality of all that is.
What doesn't appear lovable has a message for you.

What has love in it cannot be dismissed as negative.
Consider all things to have divine characteristics.
Consider all conditions to be perfect for those who chose to experience these circumstances.

All the days of an era do not complete anything without the contributions of God's children.
Not many days are described by the children of God as "great!"
Make them 'great' by giving them more love.

1 comment:

  1. "All of the days to come are for loving the totality of all that is." - meaning more "trouble" Master Hilarion?

    What do I mean? We are changing in multidimensional beings each and every day. We often don't recognize it and mess up things. (Human attitude has a specific view of love...) I get a lot of humor in my experiences, and I laugh with them after the first wave of shame goes away.
