Saturday, February 19, 2011

Vywamus says . . .

All memories are considered a liability when ascension is your objective. Are the memories you call on to gather information accurate? No. Are you willing to let go of them? Choose another consciousness by acting like a detective who finds the criminal in another dimension and considers it of no use in the current one. Contained in those memories is another lifetime (if they are not eliminated now).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Master,
    The past is always in the past. Lived and left behind. The Selves are “busy” with the Now, the next coming after the Now, and then the next one. The idea of acting like a detective who finds the criminal in another dimension is intriguing, anyway.

    (Mom and dad,
    It was a joke. As all my jokes, not a good/smart one. Are you shaking your heads in disappointment? No, you are not, because you know me very well, but anyway I want to apologize. Sorry. From all perspectives of age and maturity I see this life, you are the best thing I have had. Memories of you are vivid and sacred. They are the temple where I come to meet you when feeling alone, when I need to cry/laugh, when the essence gets lost in thousands of not-important issues and I need help to find myself again. You were and are second to none, much loved and respected for all you did to show me the way. Rest in peace. Love you forever and see you soon.)
